Safeguarding is a growing concern to all employers. The need to ensure that key staff are up to date in their qualifications so that the work place is fully protected is of vital importance.
LGLST has partnered with UK Coaching to offer their Safeguarding & Protecting Children Work Shop. We use UKC tutors who deliver these workshops on a regular basis so they are continually updated with current changes in legislation and case studies.
These workshops can be delivered directly in your own premises and can cater to a maximum of 20 candidates at a time.
Please feel free to contact us to discuss you needs and costs.
UK Coaching
& Protecting Children
Create a positive sports experience for young people.
Every child deserves to enjoy their sport. This workshop will raise your awareness of the tell-tale signs of abuse and give you the tools and confidence you need to deal with any issues sensitively, appropriately and effectively should the need ever arise in your coaching career.
This workshop has been updated to include content on Anti-radicalisation and vulnerable children & adults.